For Students

Student Code of Conduct

Student Responsibilities, Code of Conduct and Discipline/ Comportement des élèves et Discipline

The School Act states that a student shall conduct themselves so as to meet the following code of conduct:
● Respect the rights of others
● Be courteous and respectful
● Be diligent (work hard) in pursuing his or her studies
● Refrain from disrupting others in their learning
● Comply with the rules of the school Student discipline is the joint responsibility of the school and home. Positive and proactive communication and cooperation between home and school is essential in correcting inappropriate behaviours.

Parental support for discipline issues enables the school to maintain a positive environment for learning. École Queen Elizabeth School’s philosophy on discipline is based on a positive, proactive approach that encourages and promotes appropriate student behaviour.

In addition to the code of conduct in the School Act and WRPS Administrative procedures, at École Queen Elizabeth School, we stress respect for others and for the rights of others, particularly the right to attend a school and classroom environment that facilitates learning.

École Queen Elizabeth School provides an orderly environment that is conducive to learning based upon the principles of citizenship: student involvement and participation, personal responsibility, respect, honesty, compassion, and courage.

Students who, by their inappropriate or insubordinate behaviour, disrupt the learning environment will be subject to classroom disciplinary procedures, including, but not limited to: the withdrawal of privileges, missing classroom/school activities and suspension.

Alberta Education Student Survey

It is time for the Annual Alberta Education Survey! Students in grades 4-8, your teacher will give you an access code... click on the link below, and log in with the code your teacher gives you.

Please answer the questions as honestly, fairly, and open-mindedly as you can! The staff at our school will use this feedback to help us continue to make École Queen E a great place to be to learn and grow!